Can we bring equipment that needs repairing to your lab?
Yes you can. Our lab is well equipped with the best gear and tools that are available for engineers to resolve the tough challenges. Often times we will solve the problems remotely and sometimes send an engineer to your office to take care of a hardware problem. The cases we take in the office require a unique situation that needs to be resolved in safe and controlled environment. A perfect example would be a virus infection that can spread in your office if the machine is alive and connected to the Internet. In our office we can isolate it to a dedicated network, fix the virus infection, patch everything and bring it back to your office. This will save you from an infection that could have taken down multiple systems. Another good example will be when your hard drive start making clicking and scratching noises – this system will need to be brought to the lab immediately for data recovery. Call us if you are not sure what to do when you run into technical issue and we can advise you on the best course of action.